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Editor setup

Remembering all the built in ao functions and utilities can sometimes be hard. To enhance your developer experience, it is recommended to install the Lua Language Server extension into your favorite text editor and add the ao addon. It supports all built in aos modules and globals.

VS Code

Install the sumneko.lua extension:

  1. Search for "Lua" by sumneko in the extension marketplace
  2. Download and install the extension
  3. Open the VS Code command palette with Shift + Command + P (Mac) / Ctrl + Shift + P (Windows/Linux) and run the following command:
> Lua: Open Addon Manager
  1. In the Addon Manager, search for "ao", it should be the first result. Click "Enable" and enjoy autocomplete!

Other editors

  1. Verify that your editor supports the language server protocol
  2. Install Lua Language Server by following the instructions at
  3. Install the "ao" addon to the language server


BetterIDEa is a custom web based IDE for developing on ao.

It offers a built in Lua language server with ao definitions, so you don't need to install anything. Just open the IDE and start coding!

Features include:

  • Code completion
  • Cell based notebook ui for rapid development
  • Easy process management
  • Markdown and Latex cell support
  • Share projects with anyone through ao processes
  • Tight integration with ao package manager

Read detailed information about the various features and integrations of the ide in the documentation.